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1 Forget architecture to immerse ourselves in nature.

2 Nature does not accept compromises or simplifications.

3 Camouflage leads to the dissolution of anthropic elements in nature.

4 An evolved anthropization is integrated and camouflaged with natural elements and uses the same processes, enhancing them.

5 Infrastructures are environmental biological structures and exploit the dynamics of nature.

6 Habitats conform to natural and environmental maps and not the other way around.

7 The main mobility connection and goods transport infrastructures are totally underground and only emerge on the surface punctually.

8 First is walking, running, sailing, flying and lastly traveling on vehicles.

9 Ipernatura leads anthropization in specific and sometimes even extreme environmental areas with the ability to always immerse itself in large natural areas, reducing the impact.

10 The processes of production, consumption and permanence tend towards the maximum process of a biodegradable and ecological system.

11 Ipernatura uses every advanced technique and technology that leads to the maximum objectives of "anthropic-naturalization".

12 Hypernature is an enhanced nature and is achieved by anthropizing the environment with processes that tend towards maximum integration with nature.



It collects low resolution vision-images disclosed in this first phase on the Instagram platform with Ypern_ai account. Subsequent phases are in the planning phase with NfT hypotheses and the materialization of the images in print and possible publication.



When human intelligence meets artificial intelligence it is possible to achieve enhanced intelligence. Through this union Ypern_ai managed to produce more than 150 images that condense concepts, ideas and visions developed in more than twenty years of experimentation in a very short period of time. Most likely we are only at the beginning and the experimentation continues.



The ideational process was sedimented over many years of experimentation which also materialized in the specific case of the Vision Ypern_ai with sketches and preliminary studies and post-production analysis of the image to then take concreteness and definition in the images with the support of Ai.



Ypern_ai is an experimental research entity, conducted by enrico nieri research, on the border between landscape, landscape architecture, landart and landscape_ai. He investigates hypernature, an enhanced nature that reduces the impact of human anthropization. 

enrico nieri research - based mainly on a platform of interdisciplinary and international collaborations dealing with research in architecture, nature and new technologies.

conceived since 2000 and Ai development since 2023

ypern_ai instagram

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